Quick Facts

Light Parchment

Vendor Locations

This item can be purchased in Dazar'alor  (2), Shrine of Two Moons  (15), Shrine of Seven Stars  (12), Lunarfall  (11), Dalaran  (4), Broken Shore , Stormwind City  (7), Frostwall  (6), Undercity  (6), Ironforge  (5), Sanctum of Domination , Stormshield  (5), Swamp of Sorrows  (5), The Lost Isles  (4), Thunder Totem  (4), Vale of Eternal Blossoms  (2), Warspear  (4), Arathi Highlands  (3), Azsuna  (3), Frostfire Ridge , Icecrown  (3), Oribos  (3), Sepulcher of the First Ones , Silvermoon City  (3), The Exodar  (3), Thunder Bluff  (3), Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope , Ardenweald  (2), Badlands  (2), Battle of Dazar'alor , Bloodmyst Isle  (2), Boralus  (2), Dalaran  (2), Dragon Soul  (2), Eastern Plaguelands  (2), Halls of Reflection , Helheim  (2), Icecrown Citadel , Krasarang Wilds  (2), Krokuun  (2), Moonglade  (2), Orgrimmar  (2), Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave  (2), Redridge Mountains  (2), Shadowmoon Valley  (2), Shattrath City  (2), Silverpine Forest  (2), Stormheim  (2), Suramar  (2), Tanaris , The Storm Peaks  (2), The Wandering Isle  (2), Tol Dagor , Townlong Steppes  (2), Uldir , Ulduar  (2), Val'sharah  (2), Valdrakken  (2), Wetlands  (2), Abyssal Depths , Alterac Valley , Alterac Valley , Atal'Dazar , Azshara , Azuremyst Isle , Bastion , Blackrock Depths , Blade's Edge Mountains , Blasted Lands , Borean Tundra , Castle Nathria , Darkshore , Darkshore , Darnassus , De Other Side , Deepholm , Desolace , Dragonblight , Drustvar , Dun Morogh , Durotar , Duskwood , Dustwallow Marsh , Elwynn Forest , Eversong Woods , Felwood , Feralas , Freehold , Ghostlands , Gilneas , Gilneas City , Gnomeregan , Gorgrond , Grizzly Hills , Halls of Atonement , Hellfire Peninsula , Highmountain , Hillsbrad Foothills , Howling Fjord , Icecrown Citadel , Isle of Quel'Danas , Kun-Lai Summit , Loch Modan , Maldraxxus , Mists of Tirna Scithe , Mulgore , Nagrand , Nagrand , Nazjatar , Nazmir , Netherstorm , Northern Barrens , Northern Stranglethorn , Plaguefall , Ruins of Gilneas , Searing Gorge , Shadowmoon Valley , Shimmering Expanse , Shrine of the Storm , Silithus , Southern Barrens , Spires of Arak , Spires of Ascension , Stonetalon Mountains , Stormsong Valley , Talador , Tanaan Jungle , Tarren Mill vs Southshore , Teldrassil , Terokkar Forest , The Azure Span , The Cape of Stranglethorn , The Hinterlands , The Jade Forest , The MOTHERLODE!! , The Necrotic Wake , The Nighthold , The Underrot , Theater of Pain , Throne of Thunder , Tiragarde Sound , Tirisfal Glades , Tirisfal Glades , Twilight Highlands , Uldum , Uldum , Vale of Eternal Blossoms , Vashj'ir , Vol'dun , Western Plaguelands , Westfall , Winterspring , Zangarmarsh , Zul'Drak , and Zuldazar .


